By Ski Ingram
February 2025
Trump Speaks for Us
As I write this it hasn’t been a whole month since Donald J. Trump, our 45th President of the United States took the oath of office to become the 47th President. I have had a smile on my face since November 6th. I have been on happiness overload since January 20th. Others have not shared my elation. Remember it was Barak Obama who told us all “elections have consequences.” This may be the only thing he said that I agreed with.
The last few weeks with the attacks on Trump reconfirms my belief that the Democratic party does not care about you or me, the tax paying citizens of the greatest country on earth. I have often wondered “why do the Democrats act this way? Why are they so against making America great? Why do they feel it is wrong to take care of the less fortunate in our own country before taking care of the rest of the world? Why are they protecting illegal alien criminals and not their victims?
Donald Trump was elected because people understand that he speaks for them. Everything Trump does is for the betterment of America and its citizens. In the last few days, we have seen how the Biden administration has spent and wasted our tax dollars on programs that did not benefit the American people. Americans have complained for years that our tax dollars are being wasted on boondoggle projects, Climate change, and Illegal aliens, with very little of it going to hurricane victims, fire victims, or homeless veterans.
Watching President Trump exercising his authority as the Chief Executive of the United States restores my pride in America. Think back to just a month ago. President Biden was doing nothing to help the American people succeed. He was spending our tax dollars all around the world on projects that did nothing to help America. Why was he doing this? I don’t know, except for what I have been saying for years, the Left does not care about you.
Now we are witnessing the Democratic party fighting President Trump once again over his work to clean up the fraud and waste in so many of our government agencies. Why are they doing this? Is it because of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)? I believe it is. Now the Left has developed a new syndrome, EDS (Elon Derangement Syndrome).
We hear the Left complaining that Elon was not elected to do what he is doing. I am asking which bureaucrat has been elected to do what they have been doing for years. I can think of many unelected bureaucrats. I’ll name just one, Anthony Fauci. He wasn’t elected but he was given power to force millions of Americans to get vaccinated or lose their job, their career, and who they could visit in a hospital or nursing home. These are just a few of the restrictions that he put on citizens. Where did he get his power? His lies caused more harm to Americans than anything I can think of in recent memory. I was once called un-American by someone I thought was a friend because I refused to get vaccinated. Me, un-American? Give me a break.
There is an old axiom that says, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” How many lies were told to the American people during the last four years? It would be very interesting if we could count them. They would certainly be in the double digits, maybe in the triple digits. If you had a friend or a financial advisor or a life coach that lied to you as often as the Democratic party has lied to us, would you believe anything else they tell you? I sure wouldn’t. So why are so many people demonstrating today protesting President Trump and Elon Musk for trying to fix our broken, possibly our criminal, bureaucracy?
I believe this country dodged a bullet, a real threat to our democracy, when Donald J. Trump was elected President. We now have a real leader in the White House. Trump proved his leadership ability when he was shot in the ear while at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. As you recall after being shot, he stood up and yelled “Fight, Fight, Fight!” That, my friend is leadership. This alone shows me that President Trump is going to do everything he promised to do during his many rallies. Remember, “promises made, promises kept.”
The last few lines of our Declaration of Independence state, “for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” President Trump lives by this same pledge. The Left has done their best to take his life and take his fortune and his sacred honor as they continue to lie about him. I believe it is my duty as a citizen of these United States to support him by helping him correct what has been wrong for so many years in our government. I urge you all, do not pay attention to the Left. They have been lying to us for years, so there is every reason to believe they are continuing to lie to you now.
I believe that America is an exceptional country in which to live. I also believe that President Trump is doing his best to keep it exceptional. God bless America and God bless Donald Trump.
Ski Ingram is a life member of Lester Keate Post 90 of the American Legion in St. George, Utah. He now lives in Gilbert, Arizona. He is a combat veteran and is a life member of five different veteran’s organizations as well as the NRA. He can be reached at or