Category: Personal Stories

The Railroad Tracks

by Ski Ingram, When I lived on Manhattan Beach Blvd and later Gibson Lane, we’d play in the Jap Field.  The Jap Field was a very large field that was about a mile wide and 5 miles long.  I lived near the east end of...

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My Own Bedroom

by Ski Ingram When I was about 10 years old (1960), I wanted my own bedroom.  We lived in a two-bedroom house at 2610 Manhattan Beach Blvd, Redondo Beach, California.  I shared a bedroom with my teenaged sister Sherry,...

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My Life at Boys Market

by Ski Ingram  My sister, Sherrie, worked at the Winchell’s Donut shop located in the strip mall where the Boys Market was the anchor business.  Most of the employees of the market would spend their breaks in the donut shop.  I...

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Kenny Gallacher

by Ski Ingram 19 May 1970 As I walked out of the chapel one Sunday morning, after opening exercises for Sunday School, I saw for the first time Kenneth Gay Gallacher. He was a short, but well-built boy of 16. He reminded me of...

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Curtis Avenue

by Ski Ingram When I started the second grade, we had moved to a house on Curtis Ave.  I had to walk to school every day and I only knew one way to get there and then home again.  During the first week of school, I decided to go...

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Banna Land

by Ski Ingram When I was about 10 years old our family moved to 2610 Manhattan Beach Blvd. in Redondo Beach, California. Approximately two blocks east of my house was Inglewood Ave. At the corner of Manhattan Beach Blvd and...

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Meeting Thomas Monson

by Ski Ingram In 1966 I moved to a house on the north/east corner Flagler and Clark, Redondo Beach California.  It was there that I met and became friends with Kenneth Gay Gallacher.  His father, Herold Gallacher, was...

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